
Mission Statement:

MALT promotes the art of Home brewing by enhancing the skills, knowledge, and enjoyment of the individual home brewer by creating an environment conducive to the development of hand-crafted beverages.

MALT is a nomadic home brewing club centered roughly around Bowie Maryland.   But we have members that live anywhere from Silver Spring to Severna Park to Calvert Co. Maryland.  Actually we have members that live in Massachusetts and Indiana, but they don’t make many meetings.   We are nomadic because we have no one place for meetings.  Instead our meetings are usually at a member’s house and usually held on the third Saturday of the month starting in the late afternoon and go through the evening.  We are pretty informal.  Sometimes we will have lectures on certain topics of interest to home brewers and sometimes not.  There are always knowledgeable home brewers at the meetings, happy to answer questions.  We have a higher percentage of all-grain brewers than most home brewing clubs.  Since almost all all-grain brews start out as extract brews, our members have answers to most home brewing questions.  We have mead and wine makers in the club too.   

Our big event is the Turkey Shoot.  It is our annual BJCP sanctioned beer competition held in November.  Check out the Turkey Shoot tab.

Anyone can join our mailing list.  Go to the membership page to sign up.  Our president and writer of this diatribe will ask you a respond to your mailing list membership request with a couple of questions.  It isn’t about the answers, just want to make sure you have blood in your veins as opposed to a Internet bot.  

A full member of the club costs is $18 a year for a single membership and $25 for a couple.  Full membership entitles you to a 10% discount at Maryland Home Brew and DuClaw.   You can certainly come to meetings without joining the club. But consider joining when you come to a meeting.  See the membership page for more information.