Turkey Shoot

This year marks the eleventh year for Turkey Shoot.  Winners can receive cash prizes –$100 for Best of Shoot, and lots of good prizes that were donated by our generous sponsors.   Entries will be due by Saturday Oct. 29th, 2016 at the drop off locations, and the actual competition will be held at Cherry Hill Manor in College Park, MD on Saturday November 5, 2016.  But don’t plan on hanging out there, unless you are a judge, steward or other competition organizer. 

Do you want to be a judge or a steward? Go to the online registration system and register.

Do you have any other question not related to a particular entry?  Then contact us at

[email protected]

To enter a beer, see our online entry system and the rules below. 

If you have a question about a particular entry, email the entry coordinator at:

[email protected].


  1. BulletOpen to ALL home brewers.
  2. BulletAll entries must be registered on the online registration system, and use the system created labels
  3. BulletThe beers must not be brewed in any commercial establishment.
  4. BulletEntries MUST be bottled in l0-l4 oz. crown cap bottles without labels, or raised or embossed lettering. “Grolsch” type bottles are not allowed. Caps must be blacked out. Plain colored caps are acceptable.  Sam Adams bottles with raised letters are acceptable, since there are so many of them around. 
  5. BulletAll entries must be accompanied with an Entry form. Each bottle must have a bottle ID form attached with a rubber band. No tape please. 
  6. BulletBe sure to include the category and subcategory as defined by the BJCP Style Guidelines. YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR PROPERLY CATEGORIZING YOUR ENTRY! (The online form does no validation)
  7. BulletEntrants must submit bottles for each entry.
  8. BulletThe registration fee is $6 for first entry each additional entry is $5.00 per. Please make checks payable to: Maryland Ale & Lager Technicians or simply MALT.
  9. BulletBJCP 2015 Beer Styles only — sorry no meads or ciders
  10. BulletEntry deadline is Oct 29, 2016 and can be dropped off at any of the locations listed below (not right before closing time please)
  11. BulletMALT reserves the right to combine categories.  The competition will be held during a closed-judging session. If you are not a judge, steward or volunteering to help please refrain from showing up at the competition site.